Every year the Palestinians fight to defend their homeland, which is now seized by Israeli Zionists. Instead of being seized, the Palestinians were also oppressed from various angles such as unreasonable electricity supply, lack of employment opportunities, lack of clean water supply and more. The question is, will the Palestinians win? ‘Palestine will not win as long as Muslims around the world do not open their eyes and do not seek to help the Palestinians. Help in any form of assistance such as providing financial assistance, food supplies, helping to spread information about Palestine and their rights and efforts, Palestine and us are brothers, fellow Muslims, and fellow human beings ‘,according to Ustaz Awang Suffian in a series of talks. Allah SWT telah menjanjikan kemenangan kepada mereka yang berusaha mengatasinya dalam ayat-Nya; O ye who believe! If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly. (Surah Muhammad, Verses 7) Today, Muslims have gradually realized the truth that is supposed to be fought and it is the seeds of victory that are beginning to appear. The struggle for the defense of Palestine is not just the lifting of the weapons, but the struggle it takes to win the glory of Allah Almighty. Therefore, continue to fight for Palestine even with little effort in the hope that it will become a burden of good practice in the future
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